Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts on Electronic Music

This past week was by far my favorite lecture this semester. Being a long time fan of various genres within electronic music I was very interested in learning about the roots of the genre. One of the things that came to my mind was the the question " is all recorded music electronic?" Well, technically speaking I'd have to say yes. the sounds we hear on a CD or MP3 are just representations of the original music. Even if that original source is 100% acoustic the recording is by nature electronic. This argument made me recall Depeche Modes release of "Black Celebration." (here he goes ranting about Depeche Mode again, ok we get the point you like Depeche Mode.) Electronic music purist were enraged that the band opened the song "striped" with a chord from an acoustic guitar. In 1991 when the band was preparing to record "Violator" the producer Flood made the statement "If you want to use guitars then use guitars." The band has never looked back and continue to produce good music. Music is music and , I think, people get to caught up on the medium used in it's creation. Electronic music still suffers from the stigma that it is just repetitive noise but I would argue that these critics obviously haven't been exposed to the vast variety in electronically created music. I don't believe that technology has hindered music, rather it is liberated it. I like the fact that I can sing and have a computer correct my pitch and tone. I'm grateful I can incorporate a full orchestra into my music without having to foot the bill for contracting the London Symphony Orchestra. I don't think the aid of a computer diminishes the value of music. I believe it enhances it. I am excited about the sense of newness when I listen to recordings by Aphex Twin, Faunts, Uffie, Erasure, and Rex the Dog. I don't feel cheated at all when I see M83, Cytoplastic or other electronic artist perform their music live. Although I'm not a fan, I hope Britney Spears continues to augment her voice electronically. Change is inevitable. Really, when you think about it, when you bang two rocks together you are creating sound and in effect using an instrument. Music is just becoming bigger, embrace it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thoughts on Surveilance

After viewing the Surveillance documentary in class this past week I left feeling shocked and a little conflicted. To begin, I must admit that I was pretty ignorant about the amount of surveillance all of us are under. I was aware of red light cameras, security cameras in public places as well as the advent of satellite imaging but those methods of surveillance only scratch the surface of what is really going on. I had no idea that my printer was being watched nor was I aware of the scope of information that was being collected about me and then sold to the highest bidder. It is not so much the fact that this is going on that bugs me so much as it is the fact that I’m not aware of it. Are these companies telling us about their information collecting when we buy their products, I don’t know; I haven’t really been looking. I do know that I think they should and that I’ll be looking and thinking a little more as I purchase new products and services
as well as any time I give my personal information out.

Now I do believe that our government does need to observe the flow of information globally to protect our society. In addition, with the rise of sexual predators in our society, parents and individuals need the means to protect their children as well as themselves. However, we as citizens have the responsibility to watch the government (and private industry) to make sure they are not going to far. The 
system of checks and balances is always in jeopardy as we have witnessed in the post 911 world.  Government aside I am troubled by the prospect of private business using information collected about peoples searching habits and then using it for their own monetary gain. I conjure the scenario in my head of people with sexual deviant pasts such as rapist and child sex offenders who have served their time and paid their debt to society (in theory…) being pulled back into their sick behavior by pornography providers who target them using their own past search

In conclusion, I believe our best defense against unethical use of information trafficking and surveillance is awareness. As artists, we have the unique ability to make me people look at things in a way or from a perspective they wouldn’t normally consider. I look forward to exploring these issues further in my work to enhance my own awareness as well as that of others about this alarming trend that isn’t going away any time soon.