Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reaction to Pipolotti Rist's video works

            Well, I don’t know where to begin. I definitely had a reaction to Pipolotti Rist’s work.  I going to deviate from the assignment a little and share my reaction to several of her works. I’ll begin with “I’m Not the Girl who Misses Much.” As I viewed the piece the first thing that came to mind was that it reminded me of PJ Harvey, just the way it seemed it was out of focus most of the time. As the viewer I wanted to focus the video, to get a better look at the figure and, to be honest, to get a better look at her chest. I liked the way the audio was slowed down and sped up. It kind of reminded me of DJ culture in general. Next we have “Enlastungen.”  I noticed that figure kept falling as the percussion was played. It made me think of a machine gun. I wish the words there were subtitles; I really wanted to know what they were saying. The visuals reminded me of Mark Rothko for some reason. “You Called me Jackie” was a little easier for me to view. I liked that the figure was always in view; it made the piece easier to focus on. It reminded me a lot of early nineties videos (Jesus and Mary Chain, Beck, etc.) Now “Pickle Porno” was surprising. The whole thing was very psychadelic of course, and the extreme close ups kind of got me thinking about the absurdity of modern pornography. I wondered about the link between the globe in this piece and in “Blut Clip.” What could the globe have symbolized? You tell me. I’m sure it was there for a reason. Honestly all I could think of was the scene in “Superbad” where one of the main characters gets “period blood” on his pants after dancing with a girl. The piece was kind of disturbing because that’s what I assumed the blood stood for. I liked “I’m a Victim of this Song.” I like that the video kept returning to the clouds in the sky similar to the way they appeared in the original Chris Isaac version. It is always interesting to see another artist take on someone else’s work.  What was up with “Mutaflor”? Mouth fading into butt hole, over and over again. OK, What does that mean? My favorite piece was “Awourd’Hul. I really liked the music and the use of color. Pipolotti Rist uses fruit a lot in her video work. I wonder why? To be honest I liked looking into her eyes. They are oh so dreamy, she’s hot. I liked the psychedelic color in all of her works. Anyway, I don’t know what all the imagery in the videos meant but I feel more inspired for watching them.

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